Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Ideas of Success and Failure Mamet Explores in Glengarry...

Ideas of Success and Failure Mamet Explores in Glengarry Glen Ross Introduction ============ Mamet introduces us into a world of success and failure of salesmen in real estate, which in effect is a microcosm of the reality[MSOffice1] of the U.S.A. He presents a world in which the salesmen are dominated by the fact that they need to close the leads otherwise they lose their jobs. This is a world of corrupt values where people are prepared to tread on others faces in order to help themselves. Their love of money is so great that they become selfish, devious, materialistic and extremely competitive. It especially judges success and failure as if you close (ABC - Always Be Closing) you win a†¦show more content†¦You have to be prepared to stab others in the back and step on their faces in order to benefit yourself. It is about control and domination, if you are in control then you have the power and you are a man. If you are not in control, your not closing and you dont have the right attitude and brass balls, then you are not a man and therefore have no place in rea l estate. An example of this is Shelly Levene, he keeps reverting back to the past when he was closing and he was a good salesman. In effect he is actually conning himself into think he is still good and is still able to close. The truth is he is not a man and not able to close, he is losing his grip and as he is coming bottom of the board he is about to lose his job. He pleads with people and rambles on, he is desperate, this is shown in the first scene where he is pleading with Williamson to give him better leads, I need you help. This quote is degrading him and shows a definite weakness, which proves he is not a man as he is not able to close the leads. He is actually begging Williamson to give him better leads, this is a desperate plea, his last chance. Levene wants pity and charity even though he says he doesnt, he is trying to be macho. Swearing is also to be a man in real estate, each of the salesmen use pejorative language towards

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